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Privacy Policy

This Statement sets out the obligations and policies of Microware Limited (our “Company”) under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “Ordinance”).

Personal Data
Our Company keeps personal details of its customers on file such as names, addresses, ID numbers, telephone numbers, account numbers and information relating to billing, together with other information which may be necessary for the provision of our Company’s services.

Customers are required to supply our Company with this kind of data in connection with the opening or operation of accounts, and when our Company provides other related facilities and services.

The purposes for which data may be used include:

(i) the daily operation of our Company’s services and processing applications or requests relating to our Company’s products, facilities and services;
(ii) opening and maintaining accounts for customers;
(iii) providing after-sales and maintenance services;
(iv) conducting customer, product, facility and service surveys;
(v) direct marketing of products, facilities and services and appeals for donation (please see further details in the section entitled “Use of Your Personal Data in Direct Marketing” below);
(vi) handling customers’ complaints and enquiries;
(vii) calculating any amount of indebtedness owing to or from customers, and collecting debts from customers;
(viii) making disclosure according to the requirements of any law, regulations, codes of conduct or guidelines applicable to any member of our Company (as defined below); and
(ix) any other directly related matters.

Without such data, our Company may not be able to provide services to its customers.

Transfer of Personal Data
Personal data of customers held by our Company will be kept confidential but our Company may provide such information to the following persons (whether within or outside Hong Kong) except that our Company has no current intention to transfer customer data to another person for direct marketing purposes:

(i) subsidiaries and associated companies of our Company (together with our Company, our “Group”);
(ii) any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides services to our Company in connection with the operation of our Company’s business;
(iii) the media (only in relation to the handling of customers’ complaints and enquiries referred to our Company by the media);
(iv) any person to whom any member of our Company is under an obligation or is otherwise expected to make disclosure according to any law, regulations, codes of conduct or guidelines applicable to any member of our Company; and
(v) any person who owes a duty of confidentiality to any member of our Company (e.g. professional advisers of our Company).

Use of Your Personal Data in Direct Marketing
Our Company is allowed to use your personal data in direct marketing only if you consent or do not object.

In connection with direct marketing, our Company intends to:

(i) use your name, contact details, customer profiling and service portfolio information (including information on billing) held by our Company from time to time in direct marketing; and
(ii) market the products, facilities, services and subjects which may be offered or arranged by any member of our Company or business partners with which any member of our Company conducts cross or joint marketing activities.

If you do NOT wish our Company to use your personal data in direct marketing, you may exercise your opt-out right. 
You may opt out at the time you registered for our Company’s services. You may also write to our Company’s Data Protection Officer at the address below or send to marketing@microware.com.hk or call our Company at 2565 3030 stating your name and other necessary particulars to opt out from direct marketing at any time. Our Company will then cease to use your personal data in direct marketing. Processing of such request is free of charge.

Access to and Correction of Personal Data
Customers have the right under the Ordinance to:
– check whether our Company holds records of their personal data;
– obtain a copy of that data; and
– correct any data which is inaccurate.

Requests for access to data or correction of data should be made in writing to:

1/F Century Centre, 44-46 Hung To Road,
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong

Customers may be asked to pay a reasonable handling charge to cover data access processing.

Retention of Personal Data
Our Company keeps personal data for such period that is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which the data was collected or as required or permitted by applicable laws.

Our Company takes all reasonably practical measures to protect personal data, whether stored physically or electronically, and prevent unauthorised or accidental access, processing, erasure, loss or use (including transfer). Personal data is stored under lock, encrypted or password-protected as necessary. When our Company engages a data processor to process personal data on its behalf, contractual or other means are adopted to prevent unauthorised or accidental access, processing, erasure, loss or use (including transfer) of the data transferred to the data processor.

(If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English version and Chinese version of this Statement, the English version shall prevail.)

Microware Limited