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Microware x IBM – Turbonomic runs applications efficiently with 50% cut in cost

To avoid complex applications disruption, your company might provision more resources for your VM or cloud environment than needed, resulting in resource wastage and a bloated cloud bill, leading to a disappointing ROI.

IBM Turbonomic performance and cost optimization platform, which trusted by 3,000+ customers for:

Safely reduce 20-50% cost of managing infrastructure& public cloud bills and only pay for what your applications need

Assure application performance and alleviate congestion in real-time

Develop and accelerate responsible cloud migrations and continuous optimization across cloud and containerized environments

Reduce manual troubleshooting and support tickets

Read the case study of Providence, a healthcare conglomerate, to learn more about how Turbonomic has helped them save US$2 million, app performance assured, and 1,900+ workloads safely migrated to the cloud in 10 months.

Want a FREE consultation? Contact us NOW!

(852) 2856 5678